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Rolling home

Call all hands to man the capstan, see the cable flaked down clear.
Heave away and with a will boys, for ol’ England we will steer.
And we’ll sing in joyful chorus, in the watches of the night.
And we’ll sight the shores of England, when the grey dawn brings the light.
Rolling home, rolling home, rolling home across the sea.
Rolling home to dear old England, rolling home, dear land to thee.

Many thousand miles behind us, many thousand miles before.
Ancient ocean heave to warft us, to the well remembered shore.
Cheer up, Jack, bright smiles await you from the fairest of the fair.
And her loving eyes will greet you, with kind welcomes everywhere.

Rolling home, rolling home, rolling home across the sea.
Rolling home to dear old England, rolling home, dear land to thee.

Eastward, eastward, ever eastward, to the rising of the sun.
We have steered ever eastward, since our voyage has begun.
Off Cape Horn on winters morning, setting sails in ice and snow.
You could hear the shellbacks calling, “hoist away!” and let her go.

Rolling home, rolling home, rolling home across the sea.
Rolling home to dear old England, rolling home, dear land to thee.


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